Things You'll Need:
- Super-absorbant towel
- ergonomic pillow
- prescription medicine
- Step 1
The best way to curb your drooling is the most simple: sleep on your back. Side-sleeping encourages your jaw to hang open, so if you want to stop pillow-wetting you should avoid this position.
- Step 2Support your cranium and encourage back-sleeping with an ergonomic pillow.
To aid in your back-sleeping, you may want to invest in an ergonomic pillow designed specifically to support your head and neck. If you're uncomfortable sleeping on your back or just aren't used to it, an ergonomic pillow will probably encourage sleeping in this position. You can buy an ergonomic pillow in just about any department store or online. While fancy models can be pricey, you don't need to spend $100 on a pillow. Go to your local retailer and do the "Goldie Locks test": head to the bedding section, try a few out, and choose the one that feels just right.
- Step 3
If you're an unabashed drooler who'd just appreciate not waking up on a slimy pillow, you could wrap your pillow in a super-absorbent towel or chamois. It won't solve your drooling problem, but it may make waking up just a bit more comfortable.
- Step 4For true problem drooling, medication can be prescribed.
Medical treatment is also available for droolers. Consult your doctor and he or she may prescribe tablets to reduce the amount of saliva produced by your glands. However, these prescriptions are typically only prescribed to people who drool due to a medical condition since the medication can cause dehydration.
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