Setting up blog is the most fundamental thing especially for those bloggers who are really eager to create blog as a strong base to make money online. By optimizing the configurations of your blog through
Dashboard – Setting – Basic in your Blogger Account, your blog will finally get the best result regarding the position of your blog in the Search Engine Result Pages. So if you are currently still in the first beginning part of building your blog, i would recommend you to start optimizing the configuration of your blog through this Setting – Basic feature before the whole posts of your blog are getting indexed by Google in the SERPs.
Anyway, in the Basic sub-tab, under the Setting option, you are given a full authority by Blogger to configure the basic functionality of your blog, that mostly, will give effect on the position of your blog in SERPs. For example, the "
Blog Title and Description" configuration will be the first things that will be shown in the Google result page when someone seeing your blog. "
Let search engines find your blog?" configuration will also do the same job in indexing your blog to the SERPs. So, if you want to know the rest configurations in this feature, here they are..
1. Blog Tools In this area, you will be able to save your current articles in your blog. By choosing the option
Import Blog, you are about to upload the
xml file contains the articles you've made in your old blog, if you are planning to migrate to the new blog. On the other side, by taking the option
Export blog, Blogger will prompt you with the download link of the
xml file contains all of the current articles in your blog. Deleting blog through the option
Delete blog will automatically remove your blog from your Dashboard page.
2. Title This is by far the most important thing when starting your blog from the very beginning, the blog title will give the most significant effect in order to get more targeted traffic from Google. Many master bloggers i've met in blogosphere always name their blog title as a basic description that tells people what they're blogging about, such as
Internet Business Blog, Web Design Blog, Car Review Blog, and many more. So if you are now on the first beginning on building your blog, i would suggest you to name your blog with the topic you're blogging for.
3. Description I don't really think this option is really necessary for your blog because its role can be replaced with the meta content description via blog template. So, you can choose whether to fill the description of your blog or just leave it blank.
4. Add your blog to our listings? By selecting "
Yes" in this option, your blog will be listed to Blogger's list, so your blog will be shown in the "
Next blog and Previous blog" via Blogger Navigation bar. Selecting "
No" in this option can only affect on the Blogger blog list, so your blog can still be accessed on internet.
5. Let search engines find your blog? Actually, this feature is also the most important thing on getting our blog articles indexed in the SERPs. By choosing to enable the option "
Add your blog to our listings" will automatically let Search Engines to index your blog to their SERPs. Choosing disable will hide your blog from the Search Engine searches. Anyway, if you are new to Blogger blog and still figuring out how to work with Blogger blog, i suggest you to disable this option to prevent being labeled by Google as Spam Blog.
6. Show Quick Editing on your Blog? Quick Editing will make it easier for bloggers to edit their blog without entering to the Dashboard page. Editing posted articles can be easily done by using this Quick Editing button.
7. Show Email Post links? Having our articles spread out all across the planet is every blogger's dream. Not just increasing the popularity of our blog, letting people who found your articles interesting and then sharing that article to their friends can give such a great impact, especially on your blog traffic. That's why, by enabling this option, the readers of your blog will be able to compose your article via email to their friends.
8. Adult Content? Blogger are well aware regarding the existence of bloggers with adult contents using their service, but they don't strictly forbid those bloggers for adult content purpose. Instead, they will permit those bloggers to post adult contents if they warn their visitors before entering to their blogs. So, if "
Yes" is selected in this option, every time your visitors entering to your blog, they will be automatically prompted with the option to enter the site or leave the site if they are under 18 years old.
9. Select post editor The Post Editor has been a top priority for Blogger that always get the most often update from time to time. As far as i know, one of the functions in the post editor,
Add Image button, has been updated with the more advanced feature, such as adding images from our other blogs into our new article. Anyway, if you are having a problem when adding the pictures with that new feature, you can select back the post editor to the old post editor by giving a tick at the option Old Editor. In this "
Select Post Editor" option, you can also hide the Compose mode in the Post editor if you prefer to write article with complicated HTML code.
Labels: Blogger-III