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1693.. ငါး​မ်ား​ျဖင့္​ ​ေျခ​ေထာက္ ျပုျပင္ျခင္း​ ( 21.10.11 )


Foot and mouths: The garra rufa fish nibble away at the dead skin

                ငါး​​ေလး​မ်ား​က ​ေျခ​ေထာက္ကို တြတ္​ေစကာ အညစ္အ​ေၾကး​မ်ား​ ကင္း​စင္​ေစၿပီး​ ​ေျခ​ေထာက္ကို ပိုမို နုနယ္လွပ​ေစ​ေသာ ကုထံုး​သည္ ကမၻာ ေပၚတြင္ ေက်ာ္ၾကားလ်ွက္ ရွိသည္.....
ျပဴလုပ္ ပံု မွာ အညစ္ အေၾကးစားသံုး ေသာ္ ငါး ကေလးမ်ား ကို ေ၇ဇလံုတြင္ ထည့္ကာ မိမိေျခေတာက္ကို နစ္ျပီး သန့္စင္ျခင္းျဖစ္ပါတယ္........
Health warning: There are fears fish pedicures could spread HIV and hepatitis C, the Health Protection Agency have warned

                  ငါး​​ေလး​မ်ား​က ​ေျခ​ေထာက္ကို တြတ္​ေစကာ အညစ္အ​ေၾကး​မ်ား​ ကင္း​စင္​ေစၿပီး​ ​ေျခ​ေထာက္ကို ပိုမို နုနယ္လွပ​ေစ​ေသာ ကုထံုး​သည္ ရည္ရြယ္ခ်က္အရ အာနိသင္ အမွန္တကယ္ ျပည့္​၀​ေသာ္လည္း​ ​ေရာဂါပိုး​ရွိသူ တစ္ဦး​ အသံုး​ျပုထား​​ေသာ ​ေရကို မလဲလွယ္ဘဲ ​ေနာက္တစ္ဦး​တြင္ ဆက္သံုး​ပါက ကူး​စက္မႈ ျဖစ္ပြား​နိုင္​ေၾကာင္း​ သိရသည္။

               ၿဗိတိန္တြင္ ​ေရပန္း​စား​ လာ​ေသာ အဆိုပါ အ​ေလ့​အထတြင္ ​ေျခ​ေထာက္မွ ​ေသြး​ထြက္​ေသာ ဒဏ္ရာအနည္း​ငယ္မ်ွ ရွိခဲ့​ပါက ​ေရာဂါကူး​စက္နိုင္​ေၾကာင္း​ ပညာရွင္မ်ား​က ​ေဖာ္ထုတ္နိုင္ခဲ့​သည္။ ထို့​​ေၾကာင့္​ အ​ေမရိကန္ႏွင့္​ က​ေနဒါတို့​ရွိ အခ်ိဳ့​​ေသာ ​ေဒသမ်ား​တြင္ ယင္း​ကို ပိတ္ပင္ထား​သည္။


                ၿဗိတိန္ က်န္း​မာ​ေရး​ ကာကြယ္​ေစာင့္​​ေရွာက္မႈ ​ေအဂ်င္စီက မိမိတို့​သည္ ​ေရထဲတြင္ ပိုး​သတ္​ေဆး​ ထည့္​သြင္း​ စမ္း​သပ္မႈကိုမူ ငါး​မ်ား​ကို ထိခိုက္နိုင္သျဖင့္​ မျပုလုပ္ခဲ့​​ ေၾကာင္း​ ​ေျပာၾကား​ခဲ့​သည္။ ၿဗိတိန္တြင္ အလွျပုျပင္​ေရး​ ဆိုင္အမ်ား​စုသည္ အဆိုပါ နည္း​လမ္း​ျဖင့္​ ​ေျခ​ေထာက္အလွျပုျပင္မႈကို ျပုလုပ္​ေပး​​ေန​ ေၾကာင္း​ သိရွိရသည္။ 

Fears fish foot spa pedicures could spread HIV and hepatitis C

Fish foot spa pedicures could spread diseases such as HIV and hepatitis C, health experts have warned.
The government’s Health Protection Agency said those with diabetes, psoriasis or a weak immune system are particularly vulnerable and should not take part in the beauty craze at all.
In new guidance to be published today, they said the risk of infection for users of the increasingly popular treatment, in which dozens of tiny fish nibble dead skin from customers' feet, is ‘low but could not be completely excluded’.
Health warning: There are fears fish pedicures could spread HIV and hepatitis C, the Health Protection Agency have warned
The agency says fish tank water contains micro-organisms and believes problems could arise from bacteria being transmitted by the pedicure’s garra rufa fish, from the spa water itself or from one customer to another if the water is not changed. 
If a user is infected with a blood-borne virus like HIV or hepatitis and bleeds in the water, there is a risk the diseases could be passed on.
According to the agency’s guidance, the risk is ‘extremely low’ but it ‘cannot be completely excluded’.
An agency spokesman said: ‘We have issued this guidance because there are a growing number of these spas.
‘When the correct hygiene procedures are followed, the risk of infection is very low.
‘However, there is still a risk of transmission of a number of infections — this does include viruses like HIV and hepatitis.’


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