ကြန္ျပဴတာမွာ Data ေတြကိုလွ်ိဳ႕၀ွက္စြာသိမ္းဆည္းထားခ်င္သူမ်ားအတြက္
Security Software ေလးပါ...... File ေတြ Folder ေတြကို Password ေပးျပီး ပိတ္လို႕ရပါတယ္..... Key ပါထည္႕ေပးထားပါတယ္.....
Protect your files, folders and passwords in seconds!
No chance for hackers and data spies! Outstanding and unbreakable security.
Protectorion™ Data Safe protects your confidential data against illegal access
via the internet and against the prying eyes of co-users of your PC. Use strong
encryption to prevent others from misusing your confidential data and from
breaching into your privacy. IT-Security made in Austria - immediately ready to
run, fast and easy to use!
High level security: Fast and strong encryption for all
data using the industry standard AES 256 bit.
Password Safe: Encrypt passwords for online banking,
webmail, Facebook, Twitter & Co.
Encrypted backups: Make encryted backup copies of all
data stored in Protectorion.
Encrypted names: File- and foldernames are encrypted
and only readable in Protectorion.
Useable anywhere: Works on computers, flash drives and
external hard disks.
Seamless integration: Copy data between Windows and
Protectorion using drag & drop.
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