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1985.. Droid Scan Pro PDF v5.4.3


           Android ဖုုန္းကေန  scan ဖတ္လုုိ႕ရပါတယ္။ Android ဖုုန္းကုုိ Scanner အျဖစ္အသုုံးျပဳလုုိ႕ရတာပါ... scan ဖတ္ျပီးရင္ pdf ဖုုိင္အေနနဲ႕ပါ တစ္ခါတည္းထုုတ္လုုိ႕ရပါေသးတယ္။

Requirements: Android 1.6 and up

Droid Scan is a mobile app that turns your phone or tablet into a portable document scanner. With Droid Scan you can transform images captured with your camera into professional multi-page PDF documents in just a few clicks.

Unique, state of the art features, including:
- Batch processing, including turbo import, turbo capture, and batch convert, so that multi-page documents can be created with just a few taps.
- Integrates with OCR by Google Docs, Evernote, and Google Goggles.
- Document shape recognition, for perfectly shaped, professional-looking scans.

Turn your mobile phone into a document scanner that goes where you go. Convert any snapshot into a highly readable JPEG or PDF by fixing geometry, contrast, and color.



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