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Available on Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android.
- Download: 6.53 + 6.31 + 6.36 = 6.40 Mbps
- Latency: 90 + 89 + 91 = 90 milliseconds
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- Download: 20.91 + 20.92 + 20.53 = 20.79 Mbps
- Latency: 63 + 62 + 63 = 63 milliseconds
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- Download: 20.86 + 20.44 + 20.95 = 20.75 Mbps
- Latency: 69 + 72 + 73 = 71 milliseconds
CyberGhost ကေတာ့္ ေတာ္ေတာ္ေကာင္းပါတယ္.....servers 200 ေက်ာ္တယ္....available on Windows
- Download: 20.60 + 20.62 + 20.60 = 20.61 Mbps
- Latency: 36 + 36 + 37 = 36 milliseconds
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- Download: 1.44 + 0.45 + 0.28 = 0.72 Mbps
- Latency: 119 + 82 + 137 = 113 milliseconds
0 - ဦး မှတ်ချက်ပေးထားပါသည်
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